Tuesday 5 February 2013

How To Manage Iga Kidney Disease

Q. I am 32 years old. I am have IgA Kidney Disease(Berger's disease) . Doctor said that I am not in a severe stage. How can I manage myself by diet ? I heard that such patients should not do all exercises. What kind of diet will help me?
IgA nephropathy is a common cause of glomerulonephritis. Although it is a benign disease in most patients, chronic renal failure and ESRD occur in about 20-40% of patients within 20 years of presentation. Currently, no cure exists for IgA nephropathy, but therapies that can delay the onset of need for dialysis and transplantation are available.
A low-antigen diet, which consists of restricting dietary gluten and avoiding meats and dairy products, has been recommended to decrease mucosal antigen exposure but has not been shown to preserve renal function.
Low-protein diets have been recommended to slow the rate of progression of many nephropathies. No large trial explicitly addresses the role of low-protein diets in slowing the decline in renal function in IgA nephropathy. The MDRD Study Group trial is the largest trial of low-protein diets to date, but it included patients with a variety of renal diseases. This trial was unable to determine whether a low-protein diet was beneficial. Although the meta-analysis of studies of low-protein diets suggests some benefits, the effects are subtle and difficult to apply to a given patient.

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