Friday 22 February 2013

Anemia In Renal Failure

In patients with chronic kidney disease, normochromic normocytic anaemia mainly develops from decreased renal synthesis of erythropoietin. The anaemia becomes more severe as the GFR (glomerular filtration rate) progressively decreases. No reticulocyte response occurs, red blood cell survival is decreased, and there is an associated increased bleeding tendency due to uraemia-induced platelet dysfunction.
1. Renal failure affect hematopoiesis
Renal failure, in addition to the damaged kidneys produce erythropoietin, hemoglobin, the oxygen affinity of lower units hemoglobin increase the utilization of oxygen is relatively serious, kidney ischemia, resulting in the reduction of the main stimulus for erythropoietin, leading to erythrocyte generation of EPO significantly reduced. There are toxins inhibit bone marrow, renal failure when the accumulation of certain toxic substances in the blood has a direct inhibitory effect on bone marrow, leading to hematopoietic dysfunction, and thus give rise to anemia.
2. Kidney failure cause red blood cell destruction:
Some patients with chronic renal failure increased red blood cell destruction is also one of the reasons leading to renal failure anemia, which is due to the high polyamine hyperlipidemia in uremia lead to shortened red blood cell life occurred autolysis uremic the RBC metabolic disorders and increased erythrocyte fragility The microangiopathy red blood cells by mechanical damage and destruction caused by red blood cell autolysis Hypersplenism. The patients had better watch out.
3.  renal failure, the reason will lead to the emergence of anemia, mostly due to insufficient blood volume, hypoperfusion caused. This is the case should go to the formal medical treatment.
Renal failure patients with anemia most patients will appear, so patients with mental Do not panic, maintain calm and collected. With the medical treatment, kidney failure, recovery of normal renal function, renal anemia will come good.

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